After installing 1.05 version the button does not work any more

Hi guys,

the button suddenly stopped working after I did a reboot of my RPi.
The leds are not flashing and the system log does not show any activity when I press the button.
Pisound is working fine, tested with PD and Audacity.

What i did before:
I installed version 1.05 of the software.
The button was working fine, but still using the /usr/local/etc/
I tried the double click - OK
Launched the hotspot - OK
I rebooted the system
After the reboot the button does not work any more


Ok, looks like I found the issue, the pisound-btn.service from 1.04 conflicted with the one in 1.05, working on a fix for this, should be released pretty soon.

Ok, the fix was published, to get it, run the following commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install pisound-btn

Let us know if you find any more issues. :slight_smile:


Wow … quick and dirty
Thank you @Giedrius everything is working fine now.
The best support ever!
