Round robin cyclic chord box

Yes, this is possible but not trivial!

Do you want to know that you can do it or how? :wink:
( it will involve virtual mappings to set the notes and either Dispatcher or Scale Remap to handle the cycle – both using notes as information carriers rather than musically )
The data array would resemble this…
…maybe with a different type of filter depending on the approach

You would need to decide what you want to do about

  • velocity

  • note length, fixed…
    (will HX Stomp also send Clock?)

  • …or Note Off triggered externally

Those aspects may affect the design.


one specific midi note or program change

Bear in mind HX Stomp may send Note On and Note Off. This potentially gives you two time-separated events.

array … chords’ midi notes for each preset

Indeed, one cycle per preset (possible to do more but safer performance wise IMO)

Presumably you have a way of changing presets (this could be done by HX Stomp but then that’s two buttons) or do you need a workaround for that too?

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