What’s your current state with all of this? I use MIDI-OX for monitoring the data, so I can help you make it work.
Hi, I did not spend more time on it since last week, thanks for your help, I’ll take a new look next week!
Hi guys, sorry for bumping this
I have been able to achieve the bank/program change for my TB-3, it’s not the optimal way, but it does work. So I’m using ccs 124, 125, 126 and 127 to trigger banks 1, 2, 3 and 4 in my tb-3. The way I have setup this for every bank is:
- First pipeline: remap cc 124 to cc 0 and then transform cc into cc (Set cc to 0, and value to 1) → this sets the bank 1 (probably I can save the first pipe and directly transform cc 124 into cc 0 with value 0)
- Second pipeline: transform cc 124 into program change → this sets the program
Then repeat these two pipelines for:
- 125 / value 2 (for bank 2)
- 126 / value 3 (for bank 3)
- 127 / value 4 (for bank 4)
So a couple examples:
Cc124 - value 3 would set bank 1 / program 3 (actually program 4, it starts on 0)
Cc126 - value 23 would set bank 3 / program 24
Despite working like charm, is not the ideal way, as I have to use 4 different ccs (which, while not representing an issue, is a bit messy).
My question is: is there a way to achieve this with one cc? So the approach would be: when cc value is between 0-32 → convert to bank 1, program 0-32. When cc value is between 33-64 → convert to bank 2, program (and this is the tricky part) 0-32 again. Same for banks 3 and 4.
I’ve been trying to find out but need help here
Yes, it’s possible.
One CC 4 Pgm Chg banks.mhp (366 Bytes)
The trick is to use Note On message as the ‘carrier’ of information, and to produce appropriate filtering and transposing on its Note Number for different banks, at the final step replacing the Note On message with the desired type of the last message produced.
Define the CC you want to use in the CC Range Filter pipe, and adjust further Transform pipes to adjust banks and program change numberings if necessary.
Great, works like a charm! I adjusted the note ranges and transposition to make it match with the banks (actually first bank has 26 programs, second 21… a bit of a mess).