multiple channel remaping

Channel 1.2.3 from masterkeybord that can only output channel1. Can you output multiple channels at the same time like this?

Yes and very easily.

A preset like this could do it:


Channel multiplier.mhp (382 Bytes)

There’s other ways to do it too, it can be more concise and take up only 5 pipes in total in a single line if you only need Note On and Note Off events to be multiplied on different channels, in that case Transform pipe could be used.

If you are sending other kinds of messages from the master keyboard, like sync, start, stop, etc…, some additional care would be needed to filter out these messages on 2nd and 3rd pipeline to avoid duplicating them.

Thank you Joey Butsers and Giedrius Thank you for explaining in detail. I found out that it’s easy to do if I use midihub so I’ll buy it right away.

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Hey, @dave1, welcome to Midihub users!

When you get your Midihub you’ll find that there are a number of different pipes that will help you send one channel in and get more channels out.

The classic is the split-keyboard where you would put a Note Range Filter before the Channel Remaps in Giedrius’ diagram.

As G hinted, the mighty Transform could also be used. With that you can even do stuff like send low-velocity notes in a certain range to a different channel.

Have fun!

Thank you, Resonotter. Midihub can really do a lot of things. I’m looking forward to the arrival of Midihub. I’ll try various things. Please give me some useful tips again.

Hey Dave, a good place to start is the New to Midihub series:

After the READ ME they’re all hands-on

  • starting simple with plugging Midihub in
  • showing how powerful the MIDI Monitor panel is
  • then finishing with evolving a fairly complex patch (which includes a split-keyboard)

along the way, you should learn lots of tips and tricks.

Have a play with the Editor while you’re waiting for your greybox to arrive!

Thank you very much Giedrius. Midihub arrived, so I immediately tried the channel remaping I needed, I was surprised because it was very easy to do. I’m going to gradually try various complex combinations. Thank you to the staff who developed a wonderful product and kind comunity frends.