Multiple CC remap

bottom left of the Editor window:
Screen Shot 2023-06-25 at 04.30.09

don’t know about pipeline limit.
mappings: I think Giedrius mentioned 511/512


seems totally doable to have a list of CC transformations in one pipe

maybe doable but feels contrary to Midihub approach/philosophy/style of unitary building blocks that do one thing. (Just my opinion, though)

The other limitation which would come into play is the current patch structure:

  • each pipe uses just 11 bytes.
  • Given that Byte0 is “PipeType”&“isBypassed”, that leaves 10 to cover all the other properties of a given type.
  • So, I’d estimate a max of three cc pairs possible;
    and that’s without considering other states like Transform’s Mode plus In/Active for each pairing! These and others (Any Channel In?) might bring it down to just two…

btw, Feel free to post your initial patch / CC mapping list; there might be the odd optimisation trick that could be brought into play.
Sometimes it’s neat to find pipe-saving sub-patterns…
…but, given the 255 max, rarely necessary!

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