@jtemple967 yeah I’m wanting the change to be as instantaneous as possible. If you listen to the second recording, especially when I’m switching back and forth between the third and the fourth snapshots, you can hear that the proper TinyGain mute states are being achieved pretty much instantaneously. But NAM actually takes a little bit of time to switch between profiles, and as a result you can hear the previous snapshot’s profile come through the next snapshot’s FX chain for a little bit. Whereas with the four parallel instances, this “bleed” doesn’t really occur, as there’s no profile change happening.

@KAOSS okay, now I understand. I’ve never experienced this myself because I typically don’t switch tones for my bass while playing. I could see how that would be an issue for guitar when you can switch between a clean tone and overdriven within a single song. Not sure how to resolve this. Have you tried posting in the MOD Audio forum? They might have some suggestions for you there.

@jtemple967 maybe I could try asking there. But for now at least, the four parallel instances of NAM are working fine for me. The Pi 4 can handle three standard-mdl profiles and one nano-mdl profile with the buffered option on at 128 samples with my interface. I have the super clean ambient tone set as the nano-mdl as it has the least amount of gain. Haven’t really gotten to test the Pi 5’s limits yet.

@KAOSS here’s my postman collection. You’ll just need an environment variable for whatever patchbox machine you’re trying to attach to.
Patchbox.postman_collection.zip (1009 Bytes)