Midihub with wireless MIDI - it's possible

I just wanted to share that Midihub works well with CME WIDI Master and allows you to connect up to 4 other additional instruments/controllers wirelessly.

3 Midihub ports go in and out to 3 instruments (plus Thru daisy chain, if you want), the 4th port is used by WIDI Master which adds 4 more wireless MIDI connections.

If you don’t know: WIDI Master is a low latency Bluetooth sender/receiver which you can plug into standard 5-pin DIN MIDI . It’s powered by MIDI Out, and the cable and and MIDI DIN plug that powers MIDI In is long enough to get it connected to the other side of Midihub, where inputs go.

Of course you can’t control which signal goes where based on In and Out ports, since all WIDI connected devices will communicate over a single pair of MIDI In and Out ports of Midihub. But, if you set up MIDI Channels for each instrument that communicates via WIDI, you can still control what goes where on Channel level.

I found a thread from 2 years ago which is discussing this, since it’s been 2 years, I thought I will refresh this idea of Midihub and WIDI combination because it’s quite cool.

I bough Midihub with the intent to use it with WIDI and I’m happy it just works well together.



Cheers, Artur!
Yeah, @deebee was figuring out how to get several units playing nicely a little while back.

For anyone else picking up this thread and wondering about WIDI and Midihub, he gave detailed instructions here.

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