Midihub Pipes Suggestions

You could use Transform to convert Note On’s velocity to CC and get it converted to CV, or just drop Note Off messages to never set it to 0.


I also second that ( and I’ve read the comments below, they all make sense)

11 bytes is a very short comment, but could be enough sometimes. I believe it is also valuable to insert a comment like “See note A1” in a specific pipe).

As it is pretty quick* to implement (I guess just a new filter, that behaves like it is always bypassed), and painless on the processing side, only the editor needs to be upgraded. And in that case it would be possible (if necessary for longer comments) to make the edit aggregate consecutive comments in the “filter parameters” window.

* I understand coding is not just as simple as “Oh this is nice idea, it will be quick and easy” :smiley:

The work that has been done so far is still amazing, and I really appreciate how the MH has improved my setup.

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I’d love some way to do this (vel remap) with the release (noteoff) velocity
know is something most people don’t have (my very cheap roland a500pro sends it) and so it would be quite a lonely request…
but to me would just be awesome to remap that to the decay or reverb length params in my synth and get some “variable-per note” poly sustain, for that staccato/legato classy way

Midihub doesn’t read it right? didn’t seem like it just by reading the pipes and context but maybe I missed it, very new to this, gotta see again

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You can use the Transform pipe to convert Note Off velocity into some CC.


Okay thanks, got it working, starts looking easier to figure out the how’s with the hub.
Also had to filter out note-ons before the transform and invert the range of the cc
I think it’s still doing something weird like the dispatcher is sending the notes-on and the offs to separate channels, getting some stuck notes, I have to check that on a midi monitor

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You may post your preset in a new topic. Make sure the dispatcher pipe is receiving both the Note On and Note Off events, so it can operate correctly.

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Sequential Switch: so a clock or other event could, either sync’d or unsync’d, switch between various pipes. The goal would be to be able to have one midi stream, say a melody line, swtich between various processing pipes - one might harmonize, the other randomize, another might add delay to one of the previous, etc. It would be great to be able to do this with or without sync, but also under cc control, which pipe gets chosen. Great product!

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This box is a lot of fun, easy to use and has a lot of potential, glad that i stumbled upon it!
I am not sure how much computing power or buffer the hub has but if this is the place to post requests, I have a few.

This is something that would be more than welcome, I actually assumed it was possible until i found this community page :slight_smile:

-The internal LFO’s can be set to modulate parameters within other pipes in the patch.

-Scale presets selectable via CC

The randomization obviously is great but it could be so much better if there would be be be a midi looper pipe implemented.
Trigger the looper module externally with a controller to start recording and it’s synced to the clock, divisions and length can be set by an external controller.
So once want some predictability just hit the looper and your randomized bassline for example turns into steady loop.

-Midi looper
-Step sequencer

Even if these things are possible only on an updated HW version I would buy one instantly.

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Hey @screech_powers, what does ‘transmit’ mean in this context?

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to modulate other parameters within the patch

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Oh, via Mappings?

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The Delay pipe can be used as a MIDI looper if feedback is 100%, using infinite repetitions, and keeping it in sync for every 1 - 4 bars. Map the overdub param to enable/disable writing to the delay memory. There’s a limit of 32 notes in a Delay loop at a time.


oh nice! thank you

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But to be like an actual looper, it must begin “recording” the notes at pedal down [assigned cc], and begin playback immediately at pedal up. Is this possible?
Thanks, Peter


You need two signal path for this :

  • First signal is a pass thru = MIDI IN A → MIDI OUT A
  • Second signal is the looper = MIDI IN A (use a cc to bypass the input) → Delay (time is the length of your loop Feedback 100% is your recording ON (if you use less than 100% you get a nice fade out parameter)) → MIDI OUT A

Your « pedal UP » CC engage the second path (enable MIDI IN A) at disengage it at « pedal DOWN »

Warning that this is a prefixed length looper.
An actual looper is a little bit more complicated since the repetition time is set by the timing between the record start and the record stop. And since nobody can hit a switch with a precision of few ms you also need a time quantification of you start stop messages on the midi clock.

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Thank you for your response!
Actually, I am not interested in Midi clock. no quantization necessary.
…Just a looper that begins when I press the pedal and stops recording and starts playing back when I press another pedal. then stops when I hit the second pedal again… Just like a hardware looper.
is that possible?

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Not really for now.
You can only have fixed length looper.
You start the recording, and it record X seconds depending on how you set it up, the overbub until you stop recording.
If you don’t have clock involved at some point, fixed length looper are not really usable :confused:

But if you are looking to make friptronics kind of loops with lots of accident, you can try it :wink:

I need to be able to type in the value of CC messages not just the CC message ID, the Korg Electribe 2 doesn’t work the same as other groove boxes and I can’t get midi hub to transform my messages correctly because of Korgs choice to put a lot of cc to a pad via SYSEX.

Chiming in 2 years later to say “yes, please” to notes!

I understand the limitations of the unit itself are probably the main reason this hasn’t been implemented, and offer a possible solution, albeit not the most intuitive. You could add an annotation feature to the midihub editor that doesn’t actually pass the notes to the midihub. The notes would be stored in the editor file only. You wouldn’t be able to see them when Loading from the midihub, but every patch I put onto the hub I save and title first, so I could just load my saved file to see the notes.

Perhaps not the most elegant solution, but it preserves the current functioning of the midihub itself, and I would welcome the slightly awkward workflow for the ability to annotate patches ASAP.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Remap CC Channel depending on last Note played