Keystep Pro and Volca Sample

Here is your Patch to use the Keystep Pro
with the Volca Sample

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Here’s a variation using Transform pipes to perform the note and channel remapping. :slight_smile:

Volca Sample Keystep Pro Transform pipes.mhp (455 Bytes)

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What are the settings in the Volca Sample 2? I can’t get the patch to give me any samples.

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Hey my friend. Please excuse the late answer. The patch is Made for volca Sample 1 Not for the 2. Edition cause the volca Sample 2 hast the function to respond on midi 1 to 10 easy. So Just Connect the midi cable on the KS pro and on volca Sample 2 and you are Go. You dont need the midi hub Here

Keep in mind that you can Change this in the Options. Hold the rec Button when turning in the vs and change step 10 between 1 - 16 or multi.

Thanks for that update. I appreciate it.

Hey Holger @VolcaNiced,

I mentioned in @Splitfin’s other post that FW1.15 should make the original patch simpler

Turns out, quite a bit!:

Screen Shot 2024-04-22 at 00.12.12

For anyone not yet familiar with the extra power Transform now has, here’s the blurb:

First the incoming [60,69] range is remapped to [0,72]

This allows the Channel to be set to the Note# where

  • Note 0 → Channel 1
  • Note 8 → Channel 2
  • Note 16 → Channel 3, etc.

After the Transform, the Notes –now in the correct channels–can be Remapped to the desired [48,57] Note Range

The patch
Volca-Sample_Simplified.mhp (1.2 KB)

and a demo version for testing without a keyboard
(Version with generator pipeline) (1.3 KB)


Thanks for this. For future users: One thing I was able to do was set up a standard midi out (KSP) to midi in on the VS2. One issue I found was when the KSP was set on Drum on Track 1, I was getting what I wanted. However, when it was set to Sequence, I was able to get the samples to play through the KSP.