Just starting with Patchbox - run MODEP/ Orac

OK, complete ignoramus Patchbox|rPi|Linux here.

I just started my setup & exploration process with Pisound & Patchbox this weekend.

First time around I selected PureData as the module of choice and was offered a list of autoload patches in the “wizard”.
Even though I was running headless (in more ways than one) to start, BrokenBeats playing out was an encouraging start.

Now I’ve got VNC running & can see a desktop, I’ve tried changing the active module to MODEP then Orac.

…after a whole bunch of installation stuff…

I notice two things:

  1. I don’t get offered any startup patch with either
  2. I don’t have anything new to open on the Desktop or Sound&Video dropdown
    (still just Aconnectgui, Audacity, Patchage, PianoTeq, PureData & SuperCollider)

So my question is simple: “Is this to be expected?”

Yes, it’s expected :slight_smile: See Running MODEP - MODEP Documentation

And for ORAC, there’s video documentation by @thetechnobear, in a nutshell, you have to run a PD Orac client patch on your main computer, and control ORAC remotely (make sure to enable MEC when selecting ORAC module): Orac 2.0 for the Raspberry PI

I’d gone through that page, but skipped past the bit "you have to use a browser "!

OK, I’ll have fun with that later. Looking for

PS. the bit on that page I was focussed on was

The LV2 Plugins Dir for MODEP is located here: /usr/modep/lv2/. After making changes to the directory contents, reload MODEP

in my setup, i had the pedalboards and settings in /var/modep/ but no /usr/modep/lv2/ only /usr/modep/ with some other dir in it.
I thought maybe it came empty so mv’d a directory in with some pranciskus lv2’s [1] from patchstorage in and did the restart jack modep-mod-ui
Then I saw somewhere else that patchstorage (used to?) comes with a bunch of lv2

[1] I assumed patchbox-so-arm-32 were the ones to go. rpi-aarch64 is for OSs built on 64-bit I guess

/var/modep/lv2 is the new LV2 location, we’ll have to update the documentation, thank you for spotting this. :slight_smile: