[Guide] Many More Extra MODEP Plugins

Simpy copy the folder in lv2 fonder

Ex for amsynth:
copy amsynth.lv2 in /usr/modep/lv2
I’ll update Readme very soon…


Glad there’s still work done on these MODEP .lv2 plugins. Though I haven’t done much on Pisound for a while, I keep mentioning it whenever relevant and MODEP has been a big part of that. I’m actually planning some action-research activities which might lead me to co-design activities around plugins. Finding ways to build cross-platform plugins which end up working on a Pi4 running MODEP would be most excellent.
And the range of plugins currently available could sure serve as more than inspiration.


I discovered pisound and mod-host a few months ago, and I found that some modgui was missing … (my favorite DEXED and NOISEMAKER) … I learned and designed with pleasure … but I remain basic in programming … share my github with pleasure … at the moment I work on Helm …

PS: mod-sdk is very convenient… thanks


Guys, do you know any plugin that is an 31-band (or more) equalizer?

Hi there blokas community! Thank you so much for this offering, Enkerli and all who contributed. I have been fumbling through the instructions here and on the mod devices pages, as I am very interested in using the remain calm plugins (esp. avocado and floaty), which are not available through the quick/easy method described by whofferbert.

So far, I have been able to successfully build the plugins through docker, but I am not sure what to do from there - to be able to move it to the lv2 folder on the pi. When I tried to follow/modify the commands on the mod devices site (see my attempt below), I just get errors that the lv2 files are directories and cannot be accessed (I also have no idea what this does, or how to properly configure it).

cd /mod-workdir/plugins
sudo tar czf 3BandEQ.lv2 3BandSplitter.lv2 AmplitudeImposer.lv2 CycleShifter.lv2 Kars.lv2 MVerb.lv2 MaBitcrush.lv2 MaFreeverb.lv2 MaGigaverb.lv2 Nekobi.lv2 PingPongPan.lv2 SoulForce.lv2 avocado.lv2 floaty.lv2 mud.lv2 paranoia.lv2 | base64 | curl -F ‘package=@-’; echo

But I think I may have missed a step earlier on as well, since I was not able to run the bootstrap.sh script. When I try to run it, it gives me the following error message:

mod-plugin-builder has been updated to support multiple platforms

Unfortunately this requires a complete rebuild of its packages

Please delete /home/builder/mod-workdir and re-run bootstrap.sh

And when I delete the /mod-workdir/ and do this over again, I just get the same error whether I run with duo, duo x, or dwarf modifiers.

If any kind soul would be willing to offer some guidance, I would be endlessly grateful. I am sure it would be helpful for other folks as well. Otherwise, I think I will have to accept this is out of my depth and I will have to give up. Many thanks in advance.

Hi, on MODEP, you should just copy the built .lv2 plugins to /usr/modep/lv2 (using sudo, as it’s not user accessible by default)

Then restart MODEP for changes to be noticed:

sudo systemctl stop modep-mod-ui
sudo systemctl stop modep-mod-host
sudo systemctl stop jack
sudo systemctl start jack
sudo systemctl stop modep-mod-host
sudo systemctl stop modep-mod-ui

Thanks so much for your response, Giedrius. I have successfully built the plugins using docker on a windows PC on the same network. However, I am unable to export the built plugins from the PC to the pi. I know where they need to be copied to on the pi, the trouble is getting them to the pi at all. If you have any suggestions or instructions on how to do this, it would be greatly appreciated (as far as I can see, this info seems to be missing from the original post and any replies to it).

I have also tried building the Mod Plugin Builder on the pi directly, but a) I am unsure if there is even enough space on the pi SD to do this, and b) I get the following errors when I run ./bootstrap.sh:

[ERROR] You must NOT be root to run crosstool-NG
[00:00] / make: *** [ct-ng:152: build] Error 1

and when I run sudo ./bootstrap.sh, I get the following error:

mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/tmp/skeleton/usr’: Permission denied

Many thanks in advance for your support.

Do you have the results readily available on your Windows PC, or do they also need to be retrieved from within the docker container?

You can use scp (related to ssh) to copy files between devices. Use a command like this first, to get the .lv2 folders to the RPi:

scp -r plugins/*.lv2 patch@
# you may use ~/lv2 instead of /home/patch, ~ acts as a shortcut to /home/patch
# Change part to the actual IP address of the Raspberry Pi

Search the internet for more details on ssh and scp on Windows, if you don’t have these commands already (ssh is even included in Windows 10, but you may first have to enable some Windows Feature for it to work)

You may have to first create the /home/patch/lv2 folder on the Pi manually.

Once the plugins are on the system, it’s trivial to sudo cp -r ~/lv2 /usr/modep/lv2/ to get them where they need to be.

Yes, I was having trouble figuring out how to retrieve the built plugins from the docker container. I was also unable to successfully install the MOD Plugin Builder through docker, so I am not sure if the plugins would have worked properly, anyways.

But–I am very happy to report–I managed to successfully install MBP on my chromebook’s built-in linux (after a 2-3 hour long install process and using much of my available space). Further, the plugins I wanted to add all built perfectly. A few additional plugins that I tried adding (that were available in the MPB /plugins/package/ directory) did not build properly. The scp and the cp commands both worked perfectly for transferring the files from my chromebook to the pi then to the correct directory on the pi. The commands ended up being something like:

scp -r ~/mod-workdir/modduo/plugins/. patch@

sudo cp -r ~/lv2/. /usr/modep/lv2/

With the period at the end for copying all of the files in the directory/subdirectories but not the folder itself (which would not be properly recognized by modep). After rebooting the pi the new plugins loaded up and all worked perfectly. Yay! Thank you so much for your support with this, Giedrius!

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on RPi4 I’ve done a copy of systems lv2 plugins (from kxstudio repos also):
no overwrite/recursive (-nr) with dot “.” (include hidden files):

sudo cp -nr /usr/lib/lv2/. /usr/modep/lv2

then from a linux pc I copied all mod-plugin-builders lv2 plugins, compiled for modduo on the pc, to the RPi4, without deleting existing files.

rsync --archive --verbose --ignore-existing --progress ~/mod-workdir/modduo/plugins/. patch@YOURIP:/home/patch/lv2/

On the RPi4 I’ve copied them to MODEPs lv2 directory.

sudo cp -nr ~/lv2/. /usr/modep/lv2/

I’ve compiled and installed helm on the RPi4 with lv2 flag.

for additional gui’s from dedicated git, @Paul thank you very much!:

git clone https://github.com/popololo46/modgui.git

cd modgui

sudo cp -r * /usr/modep/lv2/

Now I’ve 900 directories in /usr/modep/lv2/! A lot to checkout!

lv2list-all.zip (3.3 KB)

@Paul if I select helm.lvr2 in MODEP it works!, but it breaks the GUI. The click-zoom is not working anymore and it is not possible to move other plugins around.

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You can find composite images of the 53 GUIs here.
Zynthian is up to about 978 lv2s, some hundreds without GUIs. (Reviewing each is becoming time consuming)


How do i install this?


I downloaded the available lv2 plugins, use your script to symlink all the system lv2.
I did the same for Zynthian plugins (symlink to).
I wanted to do the same for modgui to have the GUI, but the directories already exist (« cannot overwrite non-directory […] »). So I have many plugins available now, but many don’t have GUI (example : TAL noisemaker :cry:)…

If you could share your « /usr/modep/lv2 » folder ?

Dans l’attente de vous lire.

Bien à vous

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