Bluetooth Audio Output from Patchbox (RPI 4)?

I got it! I am able see successful Jack startup with the bluealsa (bluetooth) destination, after rebooting a few times and verifying Jack service status via SSH. Expect a final reply to this post by the end of the weekend with a link to a new ‘guide’ post with every step.

It’s still not optimal. I could not replicate the success of (in jack.service) using when starting from a fresh image (to delay Jack start). I ended up adding an ExecStartPre=/bin sleep 15 to jack.service to get consistent auto-pairing and jack start in time for login. I expect there are better ways to make sure Jack gives bluetooth enough time to complete a connection.

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For the full list of steps to go from ‘fresh patchbox OS’ to Jack Bluetooth output, review this updated post:

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